Find Your Destiny
The desire to Find Your Destiny is an innate desire written on the heart of every human being, in fact it is said that there is a book written in heaven by your Creator about the dreams and purpose of your life while on earth.
You were designed on purpose with a purpose and a destiny, you came preprogrammed with all the gifts, talents, aptitudes and abilities necessary to engage your life’s purpose.
Maybe you are in a place right now where you feel that you dont have a purpose or you have unfilled potential. or maybe past or even your current circumstances have drowned out your dreams.
Don’t let one more day go by where you allow your past to keep you from fulfilling your destiny.
A Destiny Reading may be the answer for you
A destiny reading has changed the course of many people.
When acted upon a Destiny Reading can bring change, new ideas, clarity, direction and a reset to your current circumstances.
Discovering your Motivational Gifts
Maybe, you want to find out what makes
- You are working hard, yet your business is under performing
- You are struggling to create a more balanced life between home and work
- You are working too many hours a week just to keep the business going
- You are considering expanding the business
And the areas that need insight may be:
- financial / profit making
- decision making
- ethical and moral
- staff and management
- contracts
- output
- time management
The first step is to attend our “Hearing God’s Voice For Business” Seminar on Friday evening 2nd October and Saturday 3rd of October
The hearing “God’s Voice for Business Seminar” is vital for you as a Christian Business Owner to activate and develop revelation in your life to receive pivotal clarification and confirmation from God.
Format – Teaching, Training And Practical Workshopping
The seminar is very interactive and includes times of workshopping on How to Hear God’s Voice in Business and includes Prophetic Activation sessions
And the topics will include:
- We will cover 3 specific ways God will speak to you in Business and how to recognise these.
- Safety guidelines to be aware of
- Learn to develop hearing from God
- To be mature and confident in this
- What to do with your “prophetic” word
- How this can help your business
There is a two-step appointment process
The 1st appointment involves a 45 minute session with us, (Phil and Lorellee Colley from Destiny Strategies) providing you with a detailed recorded prophecy for your business; the prophecy itself may be approximately 20 minutes or more long.
We are making times available on Sunday and Monday 4th and 5th October. And if this is not possible, we can connect with you by phone or Skype
The 2nd appointment comes after all parties have written out the prophecy and fulfilled any other requirements necessary to enable us to go through the prophecy with you and help you with interpretation and implementation, this can be done in a variety of ways, in person, by phone or Skype